Hello. Welcome to our clean and green blog.
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Everyone knows. Our Mother Earth is dying due to our daily activities, our needs, wants and demands.
So do your part, Save Our Mother Earth.Prevent Deforestation.REuse, REduce & REcycle more!
In order for us to live long together with our mother Earth!
Ellos People, This blog is formed by a group of polytechnic students.
Names: Chong Huixian, Kelly Liew, Oh Zi En, Vanessa Tan.
School: NYP [Nanyang polytechnic], Diploma in Food science and nutrition
Year: 1
Questions and comments please tag here. :)
No spamming. vulgarities and rude comments shall be kept to yourself
All graphics and codings by designer bwrp. Font by dafont.com.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
The 3Rs, basically means to reduce, reuse and RECYCLE!
Below is a link of a Recycling Guide set-up by an organisation in UK. http://www.recycling-guide.org.uk/rrr.html/ It shows many many ways to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle! Also, it teaches us how to recycle different things, like batteries and computers. It also shows us the process of how aluminium cans can be recycled. All of the above are shown in picture form. This website can be interesting to children as colours and cartoons may catch their attention and they won't get bored reading all those useful infos! It can also help to let children understand the importance of recycling. They can do their part too! :) And if children can, adults should do an even better job! :)
/11:29 AM
►Crying Earth.
The above video shows pictures of our desrest mother Esrth. She's crying, coughing, going through all sorts of psin. But who actually knows and care about mother Earth.
Gases coming out from Chemical factories, ice bergs are melting, cars are giving out poisonous gases too. All these little things may seem hard to avoid and to stop. But we can always do little things to help make our dearest mother Earth feel better.
Organisations around the world are setting up different different campaigns to help save the Earth. For example, an organisation names "save our earth" was being set up by White Arrow Spiritualist Church in UK. www.saveourearth.co.uk Their main purpose of setting up this organisation is to save those tropical rainforest in their country and around the world.
In Singapore, we also have supermarkets doing their part. For example, NTUC Fairprice came up with the "Bring Your Own Bag" day on every Wednesday which requires people to pay 10cent for each plastic bag given. This is to encourage more people to use recycle bags when doing their shopping.
With those big organisation doing their parts, we can also do a part to save our mother Earth. By taking public transport instead of driving can save the Earth too! So, why wait? Start doing now! A little part by everyone will make a great difference! :)
/10:56 AM
Let's help to save the earth!!
/10:56 AM
OUR ENVIRONMENT!! Due to the global warming, it has seriously affects the natural environment in the south and north polar. The living natures are facing the problem of being extinct due to the change of temperature. The warm has melts the ice in the Polar Regions causing the polar bear to lose their roof. The transgression has causes the water to increase thus flood some of the lands. It is time to change our mindset to care more on our earth before it is too late. Nothing is much more important than protecting our earth from continue the bad situation.
Let's save the earth! save our life!!
/10:33 AM
How to Help Save the Environment ????
Can you imagine this?? One day you come out from your house and all you see is big puffs of black smoke and no trees! All you hear are cars and no birds! All you smell is gasoline and no flowers! What kind of life is that?
Let's work together and save the environment! If everyone play a part, the earth can be secure!!!
1. Switch off anything that uses electricity. Stick to a routine of shutting off as many electrical appliances as possible when you leave a room. If it will be at least 36 hours before you use it again, unplug it. Even when an appliance is off, it may still use power.
2.Use renewable energy sources. By burning coal or other fuels emits green-house gases and pollution in the environment.
3.Check your faucets (eg. tapwater) and any other appliance that uses water straight from your source. Do not waste water!! Turn off water when you are not using! 4. Use rechargeable batteries instead of disposable batteries. 5. Use only as much toilet paper as you need, and don't use a mile of it for one little wiping. Be reasonable. Go easy on the paper towels, too. More importantly, to protect virgin forest from being cut down unnecessarily, use paper products made from 80-100% recycled paper, preferably with a high post consumer content.
6. Don't use pesticides, herbicides, or chemicals. Pesticides kill hundreds of birds and other animals per year.
7. Recycle old plastic bags 8. Plant a potted plants in your neighborhood or near your home. They suck up harmful CO2 gases.
/10:33 AM
Thursday, January 20, 2011
►When Earth's Crying
When Earth can't survive anymore.
That's when we all die.
/5:19 PM
Sunday, January 16, 2011
►Our little Introduction
In our daily life, we the humans are already used to doing so many things. We don't even notice if it's good or it's bad to where are we living in. As a selfish being, what's good to us will always be what's good to others. We don't think, we don't hesitate. It's so wrong that we can't pull backwards now. Gases that we used, Chemicals that we used, all those harms our Mother Earth! Little things are hairspray, Air-conditioners. They really contribute a lot in destroying our wonderful planet.
What's happening?
This photo illustrates how big and how far we have already destroyed the protection layer of our Earth. Ozone layer is depleting, Sunlight is shining directly to us, to our atmosphere. Oxygen is decreasing as carbon dioxide is not within our control anymore. Deforestation plays in a part or increasing Carbon Dioxide, forcing a reduction of oxygen greatly. Birds are sent to the ground on New Year eve, researches believe it's a lack of oxygen at a certain sky level when the fire works started. Millions of them, are all dead because of us. Until now, the Ozone is still tearing.
Do you want to be like her?
Seriously, it's a NO to everyone. Ozone layer keeps on depleting, Sunlight and UV rays keep shining towards us. We hurt our mother Earth and she can't protect us any longer. It's our turn to protect her. Everyone plays a part, we will soon be protected again.